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UK exhibitor group at IPM 2024 reports fruitful participation

The Commercial Horticultural Association’s UK exhibitors at IPM (23 to 26 January, Essen) praise the event’s global status and the quality audience that it attracts.

The CHA group included specialist breeders and growers David Austin Roses, The Guernsey Clematis Nursery/Raymond Evison Clematis and Pinnacle Plants, alongside accessories suppliers Air-Pot®, Plantopia Eco Pulp, PPC Labels and Tyne Moulds & Machinery Co Ltd. Design specialist Garden Centre Design Consultancy - C Long Design Studios also exhibited with the group in Hall 7, with INDO Lighting, supplier of glasshouse and greenhouse systems exhibiting in Hall 3.

Jeremy Watkinson, Managing Director PPC Labels commented: “The show has been good in terms of new customers and existing growers mainly, with some garden centre groups from the UK, Ireland, Italy, Kuwait and Denmark. IPM is the best show in Europe for ornamental horticulture and is the most important show that we do.”

Kate Porter Head of International Partner Network, David Austin Roses was also pleased with their participation: “We have connected with existing contacts and had meaningful conversations with contacts to develop following on from the show. It’s been a great place to showcase the new material we’ve launched. There’s nothing else like it in terms of international reach for our team - it’s the only show which offers the opportunity to draw international visitors.”

Andrew Jeanes International Sales and Marketing Manager of The Guernsey Clematis Nursery/Raymond Evison Clematis complimented the event on its global reach: “The quality of visitors has been very, very good. We’ve had good conversations with existing and new clients. IPM is a very important show, being a global brand and stands alone – we don’t do any other international shows, as this is truly worldwide.”

Anthony Long from Garden Centre Design Consultancy – C Long Design Studios also praised the quality of attendance: “IPM draws a multi-national, not just a European audience. We have done the show for 20 years and it is the most plant focused of meeting places. We bring customers here – we brought four from the USA and seven from the Slavic Baltic states.”

Sustainable British innovations

The UK group demonstrated a range of sustainable solutions to the challenges of climate change:

Plantopia Eco Pulp was showing its brand new sustainable plant tray for Danish trolleys.

The tray is made from recycled material and is compostable as well as absorbent, to keep plants moist while on display.

Developed over 25 years, Air-Pot’s containers actively enhance growth. Toughly constructed from recycled plastic the containers are reusable and last many years.

INDO Lighting launched a brand new lighting system. These plug and play lights for glasshouses and greenhouses are perfect for 1000w HPS replacements, saving substantial amounts of energy for growers of salads, plants and vegetables.

PPC Labels is ‘committed to greener printing', offering polypropylene produced from a high percentage of recycled material, plus water resistant, bio degradable and compostable card "Delipac" for use on tags and packaging. All of its paper comes from FSC certified sources, with a wide range of recycled papers and boards.

Garden Centre Design Consultancy – C Long Design Studios design buildings to mitigate climate change, with one design having a retractable roof which breathes and lives – it opens when the sun shines and closes when it rains, has low running costs through technically innovative lighting which only uses energy when needed and is plant compatible, domestic leisure compatible, delivering a minimum saving of 40% on a garden centres’ running costs.

Tyne Moulds & Machinery Co Ltd uses 90% recycled consumer plastics in the making of all of its products and granulate waste materials to recycle and use again. It also has solar panels on its factory roof, generating over 150 kilowatts of power.

Further information on the UK group at IPM can be seen here.

The Commercial Horticultural Association (CHA) is the British trade association for manufacturers and suppliers of plants, products and services to commercial horticultural growers throughout the world. Covering the ornamentals, fresh produce, amenity and landscape sectors, our members offer the full portfolio of products and services for all horticultural requirements. The CHA is a Trade Challenge Partner and Accredited Trade Organisation (ATO) with the British Government’s Department for Business and Trade (DBT). The department helps UK-based companies succeed in the global economy. DBT offers expertise and contacts through its extensive network of specialists in the UK, and in British embassies and other diplomatic offices around the world. It works with CHA to provide companies with the tools they require to be competitive on the world stage.

For further press information contact:
Amanda Sizer Barrett
Director General, The Federation of Garden & Leisure Manufacturers Limited

This announcement has been issued by The Federation of Garden & Leisure Manufacturers Limited from information provided by the Commercial Horticultural Association (CHA) or from organisations associated with the CHA’s initiatives. Reasonable steps have been taken to ensure that the information it contains provided is accurate. However, the Federation, the CHA and its member companies assume no responsibility for information contained within the document and disclaim all liability in respect of such information and shall not be held liable for any losses suffered as a result of issuing this information to the press or its use within the media.

Vanessa Statham